More wedding goblets

About a month ago I introduced wedding goblets to our line-up of products. This last week I turned my first set out of Cherry and I just wanted to show them to you. The photo isn’t the greatest because I took the picture in my shop with my phone. Also the engraving isn’t showing because the lucky couple doesn’t know about them yet. I don’t want to spoil any surprises for people.

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Wedding goblets made in Cherry, featuring 2 captured rings on the stem. - Dailey Woodworkin
Set of Cherry wedding goblets

That set went out to their new home on the west coast. I also made another set out of Curly Maple and those were for a local couple.

Set of Curly Maple goblets engraved with Mr and Mrs

I really enjoy turning these because they require several skills to complete each one. There is some hollow turning for the inside of the cup, spindle turning for the outside of the cup and stem and the turning to create the captured rings.

What most people don’t know is each goblet is turned from one block of wood including the rings. The rings are created, separated from the stem area but still captured between the cup and foot and then held to one side of the stem area so that I can then turn a beautiful stem for the rings to float on.

Do you know of anyone who would like a set made for their special day?